Saturday, January 23, 2010

GroupB Delivery4: Best, Dominic


  1. Hey Buddy,

    What in god's name is going on with your deliverables!!! I KNOW that you are hard at work on this film, because we have had a lot of conversations about where you want this thing to go, and more importantly, what you want it to mean... and you have also been super busy shooting interviews/ footage with you subjects.

    But... I only know this because I will be serving as Editor on the project, and nobody else has any idea (except maybe Brian who has helped you film)... so you should upload something to let our classmates now that you are working on this thing full-stop.


    : )

  2. Hope to hear some more interviews soon! The ones you submitted last cycle were good!

  3. I know you have something good cookin' here and we would all like to taste it, so when you get a chance, upload something for us! Your journal, interview footage, something!

  4. Hey Dom!
    Good stuff here! We talked about this project last semester and now I like it even more. I think the groups you have set up are good; it's a good diversity. For what it's worth, there's a marriage/ family relationship prof at ASU. The prof is Richard Fey. He's a really awesome guy. Laid back and friendly. Here's his email: Check him out if you want, maybe you can interview him as well.
    But I really like you opening with Ben and Chrissie with the song At Last. That's a good song choice. It's one of the most popular songs at weddings. Like top 5 right?
    I like the idea of ending their romantic bubble with a quote, but "over half of
    American marriages end in divorce" isn't strong enough. If you can, get an exact number and a total number of marriage per year.
    I like how you intercut with everyone.
    Your structure is really well done and I'm really interested to see more.
    Good job!

  5. hey dom,

    you are wondering on whether you should interview older subjects who are married (or maybe not married) and i think the answer is you most definitely should. unless you want to go the young kids route, which i think would be just as interesting. if you decide to just look at the younger generation, i would stick with that demographic. i like how you are introducing several factors and having your interviewees talk about their backgrounds and talk about the parents who raised them. if they were single, or forced to remain together by religion, or if they were just truly happy..

    i have to agree with niki when she says the opening quote could be a bit stronger.. i think its a great quote but im not sure how shocking it is anymore, im cant speak for anyone else, but i knew that fact.

  6. Looks like you got a solid plan of what you want. It's a great setup and I think your choices are well varied and help a lot on your topic.

    I'll agree with Courtney in that the opening isn't that much of a shocker. Plus, since it isn't much about divorce, is it something you want to open up with? It could still work if you somehow transition into the idea of modern marriage. Start busting out more statistics here on marriage and how many people opt for other options, etc.

    In regards to the older couple, I think it really should focus on just the modern generation. It might be interesting to see the older couple's take on modern relationships (perhaps even older couples who have been married before), but only if they haven't been married for long or not married yet. But that's just my opinion. I just can't see how it'll fit nicely with the rest of what you have.

  7. I really like the way you outlined this. I can really get more of a feel for how it is going to go. I really like the beginning (oh, at last...great song).

    I like the choices of people you have chosen. I think it will flow very well intercutting between these 4 stories. We won't get bored of the same old characters!

    Can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  8. Dominic,

    I definitely think your topic is going to be interesting no matter which way you go with the older couples/younger couples decision. Personally, I would like to see older married couples interviewed but I'm a sucker for happy endings in stories. Going with 30 and younger views of marriage could be interesting, but I think a much more interesting angle would be looking into what makes marriage work. We know already that marriage in our society is slowly losing its significance especially in the younger generations and we know what breaks up most marriages. (Money) But I would like to know what makes them work. You could interview people who have been married their whole lives asking how they made it work, interview newlyweds on how they will keep their marriage alive, and people who are divorced and ask them what could have saved their marriage. Find some common thread and build off of that. I know this is a bit of a different direction, but it's just something to think about! Good Luck!

  9. Hey Dom! So you definitely have a nice group of people to interview between. I really like the song you chose for the opening to go with the visuals, it's going to be quite powerful. I agree with Dominique that you should most definitely hit up the marriage/family relationship professor here on campus. I think he will give you some great insight and a valuable interview to add into your documentary. I'm really interesting to see the interviews with the guy that been with over 150+ women, I can see him being quite the character!

    I really believe you should interview older couples because it will be a smart move to have. You can always cut it out but perhaps interviewing some of the parents of your subjects may be a solid idea. You mentioned how many of them are not religious but they have been happily married for years. This is something to take note on. Overall man this is gonna be great and I'm here for you if you need any help bud!

  10. If you want to examine the effects of religion on marriage you need to get SOMEONE who is religious, everyone you're actually interviewing is not - bias.

    "Erick and Diana will then give their perceptions of marriage and how they think it will change from their current situation." I really like this, interesting.

    I'd like to see more statistics included and I don't know, it's just my opinion, but I'd be interested to see older couples and singles and their opinions on marriage. Can't really look at the younger generation's ideas about marriage if you have nothing to compare it to, right?

  11. i like the length right now. 10-12 min is perfect for a short, and i like the rout of more cinematic, less doc style, it would be good to get more of a story line with this. In order to keep this short and sweet i would just focus on what you have now, by focusing on what our generation thinks about marriage. The only thing I would like to see more of is "Expert Opinion". maybe you could put these interviews over funny clips of marriages from different popular movies just to exaggerate their points along with making it more entertaining. Cant wait to hear some interviews....
