Saturday, January 23, 2010

GroupB Delivery4: Sanchez, Dominique


  1. Hey Nicki,

    I just took a last look at your materials for the semester (yay for 4th Delivery cycle!!!).

    What a long way we have come with the script, ehhh? Not too much new stuff in this draft that I noticed... just the inclusion of the Chest Paddle scene with Dr. Ryan, Taylor, and Lawrence.

    I noticed on the script PDF that it said Revision #1... Are you going to do another Revision or was this it? I only ask because as of right now, the script is clocking in at a pretty lengthy 28 pages... and wasnt sure if this was what you wanted to do in the end (and if it is, awesome), or do you want to do some more trimming?

    I also looked over your journal and video clip (of the Hospital Location). You have a pretty good "basic" idea of the whole shooting situation (crew/ scene breakdown/ etc.), but as you get closer to the shooting dates (I think you mentioned August)... we need to lock this up!

    I also liked the video clip... its awsome that you are getting to use a real, working Hospital Location. I was kind of worried when you first started this project... cause it was somewhat ambitious, but it looks like you got that under control.

    The song was pretty good... but it really added that melo-drama element that I think you wanted to "tread lightly" with.

    Over all... Great Job!

  2. Everything is looking good girl. I like how you placed your scene analysis right in this draft. It really helps clarify as you read the dialogue.

    Congratulations on gaining use to a hospital! That is going to save you and your production crew a couple huge headaches. I saw a few good props in that storage room, but you are still missing a lot of important pieces. Do you have access to a defibrillator or whatever the machine with the chest paddles is called? That is nice that you have access to the empty building.

    Have you thought about how you will get extras and stuff in there? You need a lot of extra doctors and patients and nurses running around in the background and stuff.

  3. So did someone you know write that song? It's a pretty cool song.

    That location is awesome. I remember it from Lauryn Berger's shoot and it looked really good. I'm really glad you were able to secure that location. It's gonna look pretty darn legit.

    As far as the script goes, like Mr. McClarren said, there's not much different. So I guess my comments would be the same as the last time.

    Super psyched to get past the script part and really start planning! Let me know if you need help on anything!

  4. Nothing really changed from the script. Pretty much the same. It was interesting to read your verbs and shiz...kinda fleshed some stuff out for me, so that was cool. Other than that, yeah, just a few lines of action added in, but more or less the samesies.

    I mean, at this point, there's nothing I can say that I didn't say in prior feedback. Good luck with it.

  5. yes, great job securing that location..

    that makes things so much easier now that you have a plan, i was also a bit worried when i first saw this because i was wondering how you would get access into a hospital, it is cool that they have a lot of other neat things you can use in there too.

    i cant wait to get to work on this project, its going to be funnn!

  6. Location looks great!

    There isn't really too much more to say at this point other than can't wait to start shooting this! Remember though, you need to be extremely picky about your actors. They need to be able to pull off these dramatic roles. Rehearse rehearse!

  7. Nice Location! Without that i don't think you could do this. I was worried when i first read your script if you would be able to find a place to film. So this is probably a huge relief for you.

    I love that you put the script analysis into the script. At first i was confused but i really like it and i think that will definitely help you when you are actually directing. You'll be able to really get across to your actors what they need to know in order to do the scene properly.

    Anyways, i think you've got pre production down. Just make sure your actors can really act well and that the medical stuff doesn't look too fake when you actually shoot it. So excited to see it!!!

  8. I think you are good to go girly!!! I really can't wait to see how this one turns out! Looks like not much has changed!!!

    I guess now all you really need is to train those actors to make your film stupendous! (yes I just used that word)

    Just one suggestion- but I know you rock at the verb-age -when there is yelling going on, make sure you have a lot of beat changes so they aren't screaming the whole time. Sometimes saying something is more powerful than screaming... just remember that

    Love it!

  9. Well played Dominique! Great to see that you have locked down a hospital location! I took a look at your photos on vimeo and its great to see that you'll have access to some of the equipment to bring out the realism.

    As for the song, it's nice but it could come off cheesy so I would wait and see how it plays once you have your footage rolling over it, in the end I have a feeling that it will play off quite nicely.

    Great job, breaking down each scene, this definitely gives us a better look into how your actors will be playing their roles.

    It looks like we all have a busy summer ahead of us but I'll do my best to help you out in your production if ya need it!

  10. Halright, not much has changed, your script's ready to go, you know this.

    Here's my one thought - Journal - Stunts and Physical Effects List - N/A

    Wha wha what?! Of course you have physical effects - operations yo. Are you not planning to film them?
